Practice Resource Centre / Library
Wifi is available in library should you wish to bring your own laptop or device.
GCLA Members have 24/7 access to the Library via their access cards.
Library Collection
You can use the library's computers to access online resources like Quicklaw, Westlaw & HeinOnline.
Our print collection includes law reporters, legislation, texts, loose-leafs and journals.
Criminal Source
You can acces Westlaw CriminalSource
via our Library terminals.
Criminal Codes, Annontated Rules & texts such as McWilliams Criminal Evidence, Ewaschuk on Criminal Pleadings and Practice, Disclosure, Sentencing & Drug Offences.
Lexis Advance QL
You can access LexisNexis Canada Quicklaw
via our Library Terminals.
Search Canadian case law, legislation and commentary such as legal journals, expert commentary and law dictionaries.
Family Source
You can acces Westlaw FamilySource
via our Library terminals.
Child & Spousal Support Guidelines, Separation, Same-sex, Cohabition Agreements & Checklists, as well as texts Divorce Law by MacDonald, Domestic Contracts, Matrimonial Property & Child Custody.
LN Practical Guidance
You can access LexisNexis
Practical Guidance
via our Library terminals.
Precedents, Checklists, Practice Notes for Commercial, Corporatate, Employment, Family, Bankruptcy, IP, Litigation, Personal Injury, Will, Trusts, Estates & more.
Estates & Trusts Source
You can access Westlaw EstatesandTrustsSource
via our Library terminals.
Forms, Build-A-Will, Precedents, and texts such as Estate Litigation and Estae Planning, Administration, Executors & Trustees texts.
Please contact our Library Staff for further information.